{17 Weeks}

Ahhh it is almost the end of week 17! Crazy how time flies. And speaking of… I am back into the swing of things at work. I spent the entire week working in my classroom. It felt good to not be rushed this year {we had just moved into a brand new building last year and had less than a week to unpack, organize and get set up!}. But I can’t believe the week is already over. I have trainings for the next few weeks, and then back to school September 2! Where did the summer go?

The only good thing about summer ending is… you guessed it… SEAHAWKS! Preseason football is back! And because of it, I totally spaced on posting this picture until now. Good thing I’m a great multi-tasker. I’m watching the game and posting at the same time. Pure. Talent. 😉

In honor of Blue Friday my chalkboard this week is blue and green themed. Pretty fun!


Week: 17

Feelings: Pretty good this week! My fatigue has started to lessen. I am so thankful! I hope I can manage to keep this up through September. That is the most exhausting month ever. OH and I managed to pull my neck {all the way into my back} like no body’s business – couldn’t even turn my head. Everyone kept asking “What did you do!?”  Well… short answer? I turned my head. Yeah. I’m THAT good. Haha!

Hmm.. and as I type I think I’m ready for that bump to even out. I wonder how long it will be before it rounds out. Or maybe its because people say I’m carrying low. Hmm.. things to ponder.

Cravings: Nothing in particular this week. Oh – peanut butter and crackers! I haven’t had that in so long. Yum!

Symptoms: Just some aches {growing aches – yay!}, and my acne is starting to decrease slightly. Thank goodness! This is worse than anything I had as a teenager. I will be so thankful when this is gone!


GOOOO HAWKS! Can’t wait for the regular season to kick off. And this rain is welcome to come back more frequently also. I’m ready for cozy clothes and snuggly nights. Hope everyone enjoys the game and has an awesome weekend!


Happy Friday and *Weather Advisory*

WARNING*** The National Weather Service has issued a Falling Bear warning for Chicago Sunday starting at 1:00 p.m (10:00 A.M PST) and continuing throughout the afternoon until the end of the fourth quarter. Falling Bears could be heavy at times especially around the Soldier Field area. Heavy accumulation is likely!* -Hawk Nation



*Giggle*. I know this isn’t a part of my ‘blogging challenge’, but I felt it was necessary to show my support on this Blue Friday. (And thanks to my awesome friend Trisha for the giggle above!) I hope everyone has a great weekend, and good luck to my HAWKS! I will be back Monday with your regularly scheduled blogging! 😉

xoxo, ss