
Hey all! I have been somewhat non-existent again. I have no excuse this time {Last time it was school, etc.} aside from the fact that I am enjoying the last bit of summer, searching for jobs insistently and spending time revising and re-revising my cover letter, resume, etc. hoping to get interviews! Teaching is a tough profession to get into.

Well… I have something super cool to share with you all! Do any of you watch the Glee Project? If not, find it and watch it! I am not a reality show watcher, but I had to watch this season of The Glee Project because… the most talented person I personally know was on it this season! If you do watch it, and you loved Nellie, that is who I am talking about. I grew up with her family having lived across the street from my grandparents. And likewise, I have had the pleasure of watching her grow into a beautiful young woman and I am so thrilled and proud of her accomplishments!

That being said, I am super excited and in love with… HER FIRST SINGLE! Everyone, you should listen, and download and play this on repeat. It is beautiful. Let me know what you think! I don’t know about you, but I think she has a pretty amazing and beautiful voice. Congrats Nellie, so proud of you!

Hope y’all had a great weekend!

I’ll be posting again soon… I am FINALLY nearing the end of stage 1 of my workout program. I’ve gained muscle, but haven’t been super strict with my eating, and I can tell. BUT I am thrilled to share the going-ons of the workout very soon!



18/52: Twists and turns of fate.

Man. Life sure throws you some curve balls sometimes. The past few days have been very busy and emotionally exhausting for Johnny and I. Some desperate people broke my truck window and stole my purse and everything inside of it. {I know, I know… you shouldn’t leave your purse in your vehicle. Believe me, I am dealing with that consequence!} It has been a long and devastating process to try and make sure we’ve secured ourselves so the thieves can’t take any more from us. We just keep reminding ourselves, it’s just stuff. At least no one, including myself was hurt… things could have been much, much worse. Even though I’m trying to use this reverse psychology on myself, it is still a mentally trying situation…

While trying to relax Sunday evening {everything happened Sunday morning} – the episode of SATC where Charlotte gets married {the first time} was on. Any time I see anything revolving around weddings, I start to reminisce of our wedding day. It was such a beautiful, perfect day {even though I was soo sick}. One thing lead to another and I started thinking about all of our songs we played during the ceremony. We carefully selected each song, and loved every one of them. Immediately a light bulb went off in my head… the song that our wedding party walked into was “Little Wonders” by Rob Thomas. The lyrics hit me like a ton of bricks… they were so relevant to what was going on in my life. Good stuff…

…Let it slide, let your troubles fall behind you
let it shine, until you feel it all around you
and I don’t mind, if its me you need to turn to
we’ll get by
it’s the heart that really matters in the end

Our lives are made, in these small hours
these little wonders, these twists and turns of fate
time falls away
but these small hours
these small hours, still remain…

…And there you have it. I have been trying so hard to not get caught up in the emotion, because really, everything happens for a reason and everything leads you to where you are right now in life. The bigger picture shows that God is in control. Although I am still having my moments  here and there – while replacing my window, license, wallet, etc… I’m trying to focus on the bigger picture. After all, I don’t really have much control over “these twists and turns of fate” now do I? 😉

Phew… what a start to the week! And thank goodness for fraud protection!

…I promise to hit you guys with a delicious recipe this week… most likely tomorrow. So check back tomorrow to see what yummy concoction I have for you!

Have a blessed Tuesday everyone!